As I'm waiting for my coffee to brew, I thought I'd just say a little somethin' somethin'.
Today I worked, and then jet set off to take a little test MO State likes to call an Assessment Exam.
You gotta take it to graduate and it reflects how far you've come since you entered.
About this morning I started to wonder if this test was going to tell me I've actually lost brain power since my arrival...
Then I sat down in the class room and realized my shirt was on backwards. Thats right... fashion girl can't even realize when her neckline is too high.. and that's because it's supposed to be in the back. Then I was thankful I put on a clean shirt, otherwise there'd be a chance I'd have food stains in the middle of my back... not that I'm that messy of an eater, but... I considered to do one of the magical put your left arm through the right side and flip really quick maneuvers, but I decided against since I'd never met any of those people before.
at least it wasn't inside out
I decided to just put my jacket back on. It was chilly in there anyways.. and I like to be warm, cozy and ready for a nap when I take tests that require me to read an over worded paragraph with words I never use and then analyze it. Speaking of run on sentences.... ha take that exit exam!
So, since we all know about my profound writing skills, you can only imagine that I had a blast taking this test. Oh, it included Math too.
Now why can't it just ask me about stitch and seam classifications and why the shirt of the girl sitting next to me doesn't fit her?
I didn't really look at anyone like this... actually there was a guy next to me. This is all hypothetical.
Anyways, my coffee is brewed to where it can brew no more. Time for me to knock out four garments before 2:00 tomorrow. I love last minute.
Oh yea, and the main reason for this post, is to let you know.. I'm back to big hair.
Have a glorious evening.