Friday, August 12, 2011

Top 10 Favorite Places in Springfield Part 1

I've been thinking a lot about moving lately, and I've been thinking about how I should absorb all that I can of the places I love in Springfield before I leave. I know all I can do is think about how I miss the city and I'm ready to get out, but I know one day, I will miss Springfield.

Here is my 5-year curated list of the places I adore the most in the 417:

1. FM Store
(Sunshine and Fremont)
Warning: This might happen to you if you spend too much time in there! (This is only part of my stash) Not saying that's a bad thing, just saying. 
You have to go in here ready to dig. You have to like digging... and most of us fabric addicts do... so it's pretty wonderful.
2. Springfield Leather Company 
(1463 S. Glenstone)
I seriously flipped out the first time I went in here. One side is all leather and skins, the other side is a jewelery maker's haven. Seriously. Knowledgeable staff, I've learned a lot from them. No photo here, but I promise, it will be a feast for your eyes once you get there. Oh, and hands... lot's of great textures!

3. Nature Center
(4601 South Nature Center Way)
Christiano and I love to go here together. This is one of my favorite memories of a walk we took last fall.
Once I went there and it looked closed because it was winter, but I saw a woman walk in around the gate, so I followed. Then I ran into a man and asked him if we weren't supposed to be in here and he said, "Oh no, it's perfectly fine!" He's been doing it for years. People just have to know there is no one working at the time. So if that happens to you, just walk on in. It's a beautiful place.

4. Good Girl Art
(325 E. Walnut St #101)
So much fun! It was here that I saw the first painting that ever made me cry. And, last week I found this sweet hamburger purse. Oh, did I mention they hand out free wine during First Friday Art Walk? It's kind of spectacular.
5. Whistler's
(208 W. McDaniel St)
There's also one in Carthage, MO too!
I get a Turkey burger and Veggie, Christiano likes the double sow and cow and just the regular double cheeseburger. Really tasty, really fast, open late, and super affordable. PLUS they now have fries,
 and an upstairs dining area with A/C.
Whistler's is gettin' fancy!

From the looks of it, I mainly just get excited about burgers... :)
Not really though, just Whistler's and purses that look like them.

Tomorrow I'll have five more places for you!
If you're in the area, what's your favorite "can pretty much only get in Springfield" place?

Have a great evening! I'm going to indulge in some frozen liquor drinks here in a bit with a few other mad sewers! Wouldn't you like to be at that table?! haha I can't wait!


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